The app allows you to synchronise your subscribers with Maileon, send order details to Maileon or create an RSS feed of your products.
Oxid eShop version | Plugin version |
Oxid eShop 6.x.x | Maileon Oxid Module 1.3.x |
Oxid eShop 7.x.x | Maileon Oxid Module 1.4.x |
1.3.1: Download here
Unzip the package and copy the content (xqueue) into your [SHOPROOTDIR]/source/modules/ directory
Go to the root directory:
Code Block cd [SHOPROOTDIR]
Run command: Add the repository to composer.json.
Code Block composer config repositories.xqueue/maileon-oxid-module \ --json '{"type":"path", "url":"./source/modules/xqueue/maileon-oxid-module", "options": {"symlink": true}}'
Add the maileon-oxid-module to composer
Code Block composer require xqueue/maileon-oxid-module --no-update composer update --no-interaction
Install module
Oxid eShop 6.x.xCode Block vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install-configuration source/modules/xqueue/maileon
Run command:
Code Block composer config repositories.xqueue/maileonoxidsync path-oxid-module/
Oxid eShop 7.x.x
Code Block vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install source/modules/xqueue/maileon
Run command (if it asks you questions, always answer (N) no):
Code Block composer require xqueue/maileonoxidsync
Activate the plugin at admin
-oxid-module/ vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:install-assets
Activate the plugin at admin
or activate at command line.
Code Block vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:activate xq_maileonoxidmodule
After installing, you need to set up a cronjob and an optional cronjob if you want to use the abandoned cart functionality.
Plugin status cronjob (Run every day once)
Code Block |
0 4 * * * curl "http(s)://[MYSHOPURL]/index.php?cl=maileonstatus" >> [some-path-to-a-log-file] 2>&1 |
Abandoned cart cronjob (optional) (Run every 5 minutes)
Code Block |
*/5 * * * * curl "http(s)://[MYSHOPURL]/index.php?cl=maileonabandonedcart" >> [some-path-to-a-log-file] 2>&1 |
The plugin can be installed from the command line. The installation steps:
Deactivate the plugin at admin Run command: or at the command line
Run command:Code Block cd [SHOPROOTDIR]
vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:deactivate xq_maileonoxidmodule
Uninstall the module:
Oxid eShop 6.x.xCode Block vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:uninstall-configuration maileonoxidsync xq_maileonoxidmodule
Oxid eShop 7.x.x
Code Block vendor/bin/oe-console oe:module:uninstall xq_maileonoxidmodule
Remove the package from composer
Code Block composer remove xqueue/maileon-oxid-module --no-update composer update --no-interaction
After installation you can see the settings interface at the plugin Settings tab.
With Oxid Enterprise edition, sub shop management is also possible. In this case you can choose on the top left of the admin page which sub shop settings you want to see. This allows you to set different configuration settings per sub shop.
Connection settings
Maileon API Key
Here you can enable the generation of RSS feed for your products. See below for more details.
Abandoned carts
Here you can enable the abandoned cart functionality. (Cronjob needed)
After how many minutes a shopping cart should be reminded
here you can set after how many minutes the plugin will send abandoned cart transactions to Maileon. The minimum is 5 minutes and can be increased by 5 minute intervals.
DOI process
If you disable the DOI process in the plugin, you should also disable it in the shop, otherwise it may lead to different functionality and vice versa if you enable the DOI process in the plugin, you should also enable it in the shop.
Contact event name: oxid_eshop_orders_v12.0
The following data will be transferred:
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Order number |
| datetime (YYYY-MM-DD) | Order date |
| string | Order status |
| json | Ordered items |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product ids |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product names |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product category names |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product subcategory names |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product manufacturer names |
| float | Order total |
| float | Order total without shipping cost |
| float | Order tax |
| float | Order fees total |
| json | Order fee names |
| float | Order refunds total |
| json | Order refund names |
| string | Order currency |
| string | Payment method id |
| string | Payment method name |
| string | Customer full name |
| string | Customer first name |
| string | Customer last name |
| string | Customer id |
| string | Billing salutation |
| string | Billing first name |
| string | Billing last name |
| string | Billing address |
| string | Billing zip |
| string | Billing city |
| string | Billing country |
| string | Shipping salutation |
| string | Shipping first name |
| string | Shipping last name |
| string | Shipping address |
| string | Shipping zip |
| string | Shipping city |
| string | Shipping country |
| string | Shipping service name |
| string | Shipping service tracking code |
external_id → Contact external id
token → The token you set in the plugin settings
Abandoned carts
Once enabled in the plugin settings and cronjob is configured, it will send abandoned cart transactions to Maileon after the configured time.
Contact event name: oxid_eshop_abandoned_carts_1.0
The following data will be transferred:
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Order number |
| datetime (YYYY-MM-DD) | Order date |
| json | Cart items |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product ids |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product names |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product category names |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product subcategory names |
| string | Comma-separated list with the ordered product manufacturer names |
| float | Cart total |
| float | Cart total without shipping cost |
| float | Cart other fees |
| string | Cart currency |
| string | Customer full name |
| string | Customer firstname |
| string | Customer lastname |
| string | Customer Id |
Cart items
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Product id |
| string | Product sku |
| string | Product url |
| float | Product single price |
| float | Product total |
| string | Product name |
| string | Product short description |
| float | Product tax rate |
| string | Product image url |
| integer | Ordered quantity |