Versions Compared


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Current version: v1.9.0


The module synchronizes customer data, order data and shopping cart information between Magento and Maileon. Magento is the primary system, which means that the customer information in Magento is considered the main information and changes to that data are synchronized with Magento. Conversely, only certain information is synchronized: the DOI confirmation and unsubscription. For order details and cart abandonments, this information is sent to Maileon as transactions (events) and can be used either to analyze data using contact filters or to activate a trigger mailing. All functions can be set via a configuration panel in Magento.


Install the



Below version 1.0.8

The first step is to copy the Maileon directory into the /app/code directory of the Magento installation. If the app directory doesn’t doesn't already contain a code subdirectory please create it. After this the module must be enabled using the following steps:Using the command line check if the module is recognized by Magento.
Type the following command

From version 1.8.1

Copy the Maileon plugin to the Magento root folder (/sources/magento-2/Xqueue/Maileon/). Add the following line to the Magento composer.json:

Code Block
"require": {
    "xqueue/module-maileon": "^1.8"

"repositories": [
        "type": "composer",
        "url": ""
        "name": "xqueue/module-maileon",
        "type": "path",
        "url": "sources/magento-2/Xqueue/Maileon"

Run composer update at command line

Enable the module

Before enable the module, we must check to make sure Magento has recognize our module or not by enter the following at the command line:

php bin/magento module:status
This should result in the following response:
List of disabled modules:

If you follow above step, you will see this in the result:

Code Block
List of disabled modules:

This means that the system module has recognized by the synchronization module system but it isn’t enabled yet.Issue the following is still disabled. Run this command to enable the moduleit:

php bin/magento module:enable Xqueue_Maileon

If the above succeeded the following message is displayed:

Code Block
The following modules has been enabled:



After this Magento must check and update its database. Issue the following This’s the first time you enable this module so Magento require to check and upgrade module database. We need to run this command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

If everything went well you can switch to Magento’s admin interface. The plugin settings are available in the following menu:

Stores -> Configuration -> Maileon

  • Add a custom field to contact: magento_storeview_id

  • Add a custom field to contact: magento_source
    Can be newsletter, order_confirmation and abandoned_cart

-> Maileon

Update the Module

Copy the contents of the new version package to /sources/magento-2/Xqueue/Maileon/

Run composer update at command line

To update database schema and dependencies, run this command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

Configuration in Magento

The configuration can be found under “Stores” “Configuration” and, since version 1.8, can be set on Storeview level. This means, that for each Storeview, you can select an own API key, to use different Maileon accounts or you can select different DOI mail keys to send out DOIs in e.g. different languages.


Figure 8: Transactiontype for Cart Abandonnments

Configuring Custom Forms

In order to submit other standard or custom data to Maileon, the following scheme must be used:


Example: custom_MySpecialField

Enhancing Transactional Data

In some cases, it is required to add custom data transactions. E.g. if you use a plugin, which allows customizing products with names, custom images, etc., and the image shall be displayed in the order confirmation mail, you need to pass this URL to Maileon. Or this case, the plugin provides a simple way to add data to the transactions by overriding class “Maileon\SyncPlugin\Helper\External\Data” from an external plugin.


Figure 9: Additional information attached to a transaction

Webhook Settings in Maileon

Changed parameters in version 1.8:
Since Magento 2.4, an email can be added as newsletter subscriber for each storeview, thus, the email can exist multiple times in the Magento newsletter module. As of version 1.8 of the plugin, configuration is based on storeview level, thus, an email can be added to different Maileon newsletter accounts based on its origin. Thus, when Maileon reports back a DOI confirmation or unsubscription, it needs to identify the correct storeview for a given contact. This is done by adding a new parameter “storeview_id”.


Figure 11: Webhook Settings for DOI-Confirmations


30.08.2022 – v 1.8.9

Added payment method ID and name to order transactions
