Table of Contents |
Short description
The app allows you to synchronise your subscribers with Maileon, send order details to Maileon or create an RSS feed of your products.
The following data will be transferred:
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Order number |
| datetime (YYYY-MM-DD) | Order date |
| string | Order status |
| json | Ordered items |
| float | Order total |
| float | Order total without shipping cost |
| float | Order tax |
| float | Order fees total |
| json | Order fee names |
| float | Order refunds total |
| json | Order refund names |
| string | Order currency |
| string | Payment method id |
| string | Payment method name |
| string | Customer full name |
| string | Customer first name |
| string | Customer last name |
| string | Customer id |
| string | Billing salutation |
| string | Billing first name |
| string | Billing last name |
| string | Billing address |
| string | Billing zip |
| string | Billing city |
| string | Billing country |
| string | Shipping salutation |
| string | Shipping first name |
| string | Shipping last name |
| string | Shipping address |
| string | Shipping zip |
| string | Shipping city |
| string | Shipping country |
| string | Shipping service name |
| string | Shipping service tracking code |
Order items
Name | Type | Description |
| string | Product id |
| string | Product sku |
| string | Product url |
| float | Product single price |
| float | Product total |
| string | Product name |
| string | Product short description |
| float | Product tax rate |
| string | Product image url |
| integer | Ordered quantity |
Contact fields at Maileon
Name | Maileon type | Datatype |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| standard | string |
| custom | boolean |
| custom | boolean |
| custom | string |
| custom | string |
RSS feed
Once you have enabled RSS feed in the plugin settings, you can access the feed at the following url: