Name | Required / Optional | Default | Description | Type |
api_key | Required | The Maileon API key to access the REST API and to identify the Maileon account. New keys can be created in Maileon under Settings → API Keys. | String | |
permission | Optional | 1 (Permission “None”) | The contact’s permission if no DOI process should be started. Will be ignored and set to the default otherwise. Available permission methods: Check the documentation for further information about all available permission methods. | Integer |
doi | Optional | false | Flag to start a DOI process for a new contact. | Boolean |
tracking | Optional | false | Flag to set allowance for individual user tracking (Opens, Clicks etc.). | Boolean |
doi_key | Optional | An alphanumerical key to identify a DOI mailing to be used in the DOI process. If omitted the account’s default DOI mailing will be used. | String | |
webform_id | Optional | ID of the WebForm. May be used to segment contacts in Maileon by filtering for the “src” “source” attribute. | String | |
Required | The contact’s email address. Can not be part of the mapping parameters listed below. | String | ||
salutation | Optional | The contact’s salutation. May also be defined by using the standard field mapping. | String | |
fullname | Optional | The contact’s full name. May also be defined by using the standard field mapping. | String | |
firstname | Optional | The contact’s first name. May also be defined by using the standard field mapping. | String | |
lastname | Optional | The contact’s last name. May also be defined by using the standard field mapping. | String | |
mapping_standard_fields | Optional | E.g.: | JSON | |
mapping_custom_fields | Optional | E.g.: | JSON | |
<additional-fields> | Optional | Any additional fields that are being mapped in one of the above mappings. | String |